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Hey everyone!  I’m Lexi.

Nice to see that you found your way to my website!!

Most days you can find me doing fun stuff outside. Sometimes I´m at the Barn talking to the dogs and horses. On others days I´m in the mountains, at the water, traveling, living the Vanlife, and doing other fun stuff. 

I was three the first time I put on skis, growing up in the Bavarian Alps, Southern Germany. I began racing a couple of years later. When I was six I started sailing competitively. All over Europe and the east coast of the US.

I got to hit the road a lot. I used to go all over Europe, to sail.

I spend my summers in Massachusetts, the USA to see my family. 

Taking part in Outward Bound, living on a ship for six months- sailing to the Caribbean and back to Europe and working on a Horse Ranch in Kananaskis, Canada is some of the great things I got to do along the way. 

Once I graduated from High School I decided to travel.
( Even before already)

After traveling for a year I came back home to Bavaria went to University, graduated with a BA in Media- & Communication Management, and recently decided to take a different career path. I am now attending Bergin University of Canine Studies and am becoming a professional Service Dog and dog trainer. 

You might catch me hiking, skiing in the Alps or in the US (or any other Country with Mountains), sailing at the Ocean or any Lake, riding the horses, or trying new stuff!   Life is wonderful.  I try to support my passions however I can and that makes every day exciting. The little things in life and daily routines keep me motivated, and the way I treat my body is a huge part of my life, whether that means through nutrition or exercise. I learned this after being injured and very sick a lot. Whenever I'm at home you'll find me in the gym, at the lake, or in the mountains, my dogs Syra & Arthur will always be there. And if I'm not at home, chances are I'm off somewhere chasing colorful sunsets and looking for mountain lakes. 





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